Saturday, February 16, 2013

Grandma necklaces

For Christmas gifts for my mom and mother-in-law this year, I decided to take the "easy" route and make something that relates to my kids. Once you have kids, it's easy to create gifts involving/relating to them, and people appreciate them and enjoy them more, I think, than just buying them something generic, like a shirt. 

For my mom, I ordered a locket online through Etsy. I wasn't really thrilled with how it turned out when I got it, however. 

I ordered this locket in silver, with a request for the girls' birthstone colors for the flowers--amber and amethyst. 

The locket turned out pretty good, but I wasn't really happy with the flower beads, so I ended up switching them out for some other beads I went and bought from Joann's. 

The pictures that were on our Christmas cards ended up being the perfect size for inside the locket. I traced out the shape, cut them out, and decoupaged them inside the locket. 

Such cute little munchkins!! 

My mother-in-law had mentioned some time back that she always wanted a necklace with her kids' birthstones on it, but since her kids were born in July and May, the colors were red and green. What an odd, random combination. 

I'm pretty proud of how this necklace came out, I designed it myself :) I call it the family tree necklace. I searched all over for the big heart pendant. After a few stressful trips to craft stores with two kids getting into everything, I finally found one that worked at Craft Warehouse. I attached my husband's birthstone (the red) and my sister-in-law's birthstone (the green) to the big heart, then hung smaller hearts off of those stones to signify offspring (i.e. Madelyn and Audrey).

After giving it to my mother-in-law, she started to give my sister-in-law a hard time about the empty heart. If that's what it takes for me to get nieces and nephews... so be it :)

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