Friday, November 18, 2011

Hat for Baby Audrey

Just finished a baby hat today, I think this just might be the cutest thing I've ever made :)

I used this pattern that I found off of Pinterest (I love that website, if you don't have an account, get one!!). Instead of making the newborn size (I've realized I crochet pretty tightly, so if I follow the pattern exactly it turns out too small) I made the 3 month size, but also added 3 extra rows to make sure it would be long enough.

So cute!! I love the flower, a close-up below.

I tried it on Madelyn's monkey, she thought that was pretty silly.

Quick and easy and Oh-So cute. Now if this baby would just get here so I could try it on!! (I've still got 3 months left, it's going to be a little bit of a wait).

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