Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Nursing Cover-Up

The first sewing (or any type of craft) project that I've worked on in a long time. I know I have some time before the baby is born, but I thought it would be a fun and easy project to get out of the way.

I've made a few of these now, this is actually my fourth one, I made two for myself (one that was made from flannel that I discovered was way too hot for a warm baby, and one that I loved but that was starting to fall apart after repeated washings) and one for a friend. I have to say, this is the best one I've made so far!!

I've used this pattern every time, I got it from Craft Warehouse a couple years ago. It's a very easy pattern to follow and makes a perfect sized cover-up.

I love the fabric I found at Joann's to make it. That's always my favorite part about sewing projects... picking out the fabric.

This time around I improved on a couple of things. The pattern calls for using D rings for the strap, which I always found a little annoying. After making my friend one and looking at her store-bought one, this time around I used overall snaps for the strap instead of the D rings. So much quicker to snap and unsnap, and you can also leave it adjusted to the length you want for the next use instead of having to loosen it up every time you took it off.

The top of the cover-up has boning sewn in along the edge to help it poke out so you can see the baby while nursing. The two I had made previously for myself didn't really have this feature operating correctly. After studying my friend's store bought one I realized how it was really supposed to go. So I made a few adjustments in how and where the straps were attached, and this time I actually get to use it how it was meant to be used!

The bottom edge of the cover-up has flannel pockets sewn along the edge which I found very useful for storing nursing pads.

Can't believe I'm having another baby and will be using this soon! 

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